Financial Planning Blog

09 Mar 2013You Are Not A Good Investor

I came across this article today in the Investment News written by Mebane Faber. It reinforces the futility of trying to pick individual…

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09 Jan 2013The New Income, Capital Gains, and Estate Tax Environment – Winter 2013

After many years of living with temporary tax brackets, we now have a more settled scheme due to the recently passed…

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09 Dec 2012Year End Tax Planning

Although there is much uncertainty regarding future tax rates, as of January 1, 2013 a number of taxes are scheduled to…

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09 Dec 2012Can a Bad Company Be a Good Investment?

I was scanning the news and this headline grabbed my attention. As you can see, Research In Motion (RIM) reported that…

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09 Sep 2012Welcome Bonnie – Autumn 2012

As you know, Jennifer has flown the coop. She was swept off her feet, proposed to, and whisked away by a…

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11 Jun 2012I Survived the Transition – Spring 2012

“I SURVIVED THE TRANSITION, AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY NEWSLETTER”! I think that would be an appropriate T shirt…

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09 Jun 2012Buy Local or Wholesale? – Summer 2012

Both buying locally and wholesale have advantages: local purchases typically are associated with the benefits of better service and buying wholesale…

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22 Mar 2012Big News At Financial Plan – Winter 2012

As you can see,  our newsletter the Plan  has a new look.  But that is not all that is new.  In…

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09 Feb 2012Buying a Home: Cash vs. Finance

Despite incredibly low mortgage interest rates, real estate agents are still reporting a high percentage of all-cash home purchases. But is…

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16 Dec 2011We are a Team – Spring 2011

As our client base has grown, so have the servicing challenges. To meet those challenges we have continued to bring on…

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16 Dec 2011The Trouble With Forecasting – Winter 2011

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, allow me once again to admonish and warn you: forecasting the direction…

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our investment philosophy

16 Dec 2011Our Investment Philosophy – Summer 2011

Let’s be blunt: Over the past thirty years we have studied the conventional wisdom, we have put it to the test,…

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16 Dec 2011Home Bias – Autumn 2010

Recently, a client asked me this question: “How do you decide how much of my account to put into foreign stocks?”…

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16 Dec 2011The Elements and Structure of our Financial Plans – Winter 2010

The diagram below outlines the scope of our financial planning services. The core of it is the Wealth Management Plan –…

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16 Dec 2011To Convert, or Not To Convert: That is the Question – Spring 2010

To convert, or not to convert: that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and…

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