Financial Planning Blog

lairmont manor

01 Dec 20142014 Christmas Brunch

In celebration of this season and with deep appreciation of our relationship with you, we extend this invitation to an elegant…

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10 Nov 2014401(k) and other Pension Plan Contribution Limits Increase in 2015

By: W. Devin Wolf, CFP® It’s official: the IRS has announced the cost-of-living adjustments affecting 401(k) contribution limits for the 2015…

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05 Oct 2014Financial Plan is Moving – Autumn 2014

After 17 years in our downtown office, Financial Plan is moving to a new office location.  Beginning October 1st, 2014…

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29 Sep 2014Financial Plan, Inc. Moves to Barkley Village

After 17 years in our downtown office, Financial Plan is moving to a new office location. Beginning October 1st, 2014 our…

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29 Sep 2014Financial Plan Featured in InvestmentNews

InvestmentNews recently featured Financial Plan, Inc. in an article on how FP, Inc. uses technology to improve client service. This story…

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business man talking

04 Jul 2014The Not So Simple Answer – Summer 2014

As a Financial Plan client, you often receive simple advice that is easy to follow. Your first impression might have been…

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financial fraud protection

20 Jun 20143 Ways to Protect Yourself from Fraudulent Advisors

By W. Devin Wolf, CFP® 19 June, 2014 Trusting your advisor because they are friendly and seem nice isn’t adequate to…

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choosing an advisor

21 May 2014How to Choose a Financial Advisor That is Right for You

Choosing the right financial advisor for your wealth management needs can be a daunting task. There are countless firms and…

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the great crash 1

24 Apr 2014The Great Crash – Spring 2014

Harry S. Dent Jr – Best-selling author, founder of economics research firm HS Dent, predictor of the 1980 Japanese market bubble…

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market comparisons

31 Mar 2014How to Avoid the “Rigged” Stock Market

60 Minutes recently reported on a new book by Michael Lewis entitled “Flash Boys.” The book explains how high frequency traders…

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Estate-Planning invitation

11 Mar 2014Bellingham Estate Planning Seminar, May 7th & 14th

Join Devin Wolf, CFP® in partnership with the Northwest Washington Estate Planning Council and local charities this May for two free Estate Planning Seminars….

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child catching bubbles

19 Feb 2014Tax Planning and the Child Tax Credit

By: W. Devin Wolf, CFP® Modified for 2018 based on Tax Cuts and Jobs Act If you have children qualifying for…

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high market

09 Feb 2014The Market Has Reached All Time Highs; Now What? – Spring 2013

For quite a few years now, faith in the markets has been sorely tested. After severe bear markets, confidence in the…

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usps mail truck

09 Feb 2014Social Security No Longer Mailing Checks

If you are currently receiving paper checks in the mail for your Social Security, disability and other benefits this will stop…

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paper investments

24 Jan 2014Are Shares of Stock and Stock Mutual funds “Paper” Investments? – Winter 2014

Most investors tend to have a high level of angst regarding their stock and stock mutual fund investments. When the investing…

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