Financial Planning Blog

16 Dec 2011Please Welcome Our Newest Advisor: Devin Wolf – Summer 2010

Not to blow our own horn too loudly, but we have managed to thrive while many other investment services firms have…

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16 Dec 2011Inflation, Zimbabwe Style – Spring 2009

Zimbabwe is the first country in the 21st century to hyper-inflate their currency. The country recently had an annual inflation rate…

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16 Dec 2011The Black Swan – Winter 2009

In the 18th century, it was assumed that all swans were white. No one in the civilized world had ever seen…

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16 Dec 2011The "R" Word – Winter 2008

In recent weeks you may have heard the “R” word bandied about. When discussing the economy, it is a dirty word!…

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16 Dec 2011The Financial Selling Panic of 2008 – Autumn 2008

The cheerleaders for recession were about a year early, but it appears that they finally have their way, partly due to…

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01 Jan 2011Our Expert Panel – Autumn 2009

Like most everything else in our practice, our process has evolved over the years. I want to communicate to you a…

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time to buy insurance

01 Mar 2008When Is Insurance Suitable? – Spring 2008

There are different opinions as to the proper use of insurance. Here is my view: Insurance should be used to buy…

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