By: James Twining

12 Jun 2024The Alphabet Soup of Medicare: Medicare Parts Explained

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people: Who are 65 years or older. Have certain disabilities or end-stage renal…

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30 May 2024Our Two-Faced Dollar

The last time I checked, there is one face on our dollar bill: that of our great President George Washington. However,…

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27 Mar 2024Just When You Thought You Were Out of Debt

American households are drowning in consumer debt, with the Federal Reserve Bank reporting a new record of over $1.13 Trillion in…

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13 Mar 2024Retirement Tax Planning: The Three Tax Wallets

Note: While some information in this article is specific to BP employees, the points about the three tax wallets may be…

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19 Sep 2023Your Future Income Tax Brackets May Be Higher Than You Assume

Future assumed income tax brackets are a major consideration when making current decisions, such as the decision to convert a traditional…

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19 May 2023Convert! Oh, Ye of Little Faith: Roth Conversions are Underutilized

By James B. Twining, CFP® and Tor Benson, CFP® The decision to make a Roth conversion can be extremely impactful, warranting…

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22 Mar 2023The SECURE ACT 2.0: Three Good features

On December 29th, 2022, the SECURE 2.0 ACT was signed into law. It includes a few provisions that are beneficial for…

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28 Jul 2022How Inflation Affects Asset Values

In 1980, the inflation rate peaked at 13.5%; higher than it had been in 60 years. The miserable economic conditions of…

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23 Jun 2021Advice Regarding the Washington State Long Term Care Law

The latest tax news from Washington State includes a long- term care tax on W2 income. For details, please refer to…

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15 Jan 2021Should I Manage My Own Investment Portfolio? | The Abysmal Record of DIY Investor Cash Flows

If 2020 taught personal investors anything, it’s that managing your own investment portfolio is a dangerous game. The typical DIY-investor relies…

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07 Dec 2020What is the new ETF rule?

Every so often, something occurs that changes the way we invest, and we think it best to keep our clients informed…

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18 Sep 2020The ETF Rule and Custom Baskets

At Financial Plan, we are analytical to a fault when evaluating investments.  We continually ask the question: “Are we populating our…

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09 Sep 2019Stock Market Performance: A Case for Diversified Portfolios

If you have been paying attention, you know how much we believe in equity markets. Our clients who have a long…

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27 Mar 2019Getting to the Point of a Point

Recently, I ran across this article from Dimensional Fund Advisors. It contains insight into the difference between a price-weighted index like…

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08 Mar 2019Let the Dogs Bark

The term “expected return” is in wide use among financial planners. To the layman it carries misleading connotations: most assume that…

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