In: investing

16 Nov 2022Recency Bias in Investing

Gabriel Twining
Latest posts by Gabriel Twining (see all)

As I watched footage of hurricane Ian wreaking havoc on the Florida coast, my four-year-old daughter asked what was going on….

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28 Jul 2022How Inflation Affects Asset Values

In 1980, the inflation rate peaked at 13.5%; higher than it had been in 60 years. The miserable economic conditions of…

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25 Feb 2022Now is the time for a Steady Hand

Like many of you, this week I watched in horror and shock as Russia invaded Ukraine. Years of rhetoric and posturing…

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07 Dec 2020What is the new ETF rule?

Every so often, something occurs that changes the way we invest, and we think it best to keep our clients informed…

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17 Apr 2019Is the Inverted Yield Curve Reason to Worry?

If you’ve been paying attention to investment news, you might be aware of the recent consternation that the “yield curve” in…

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01 Oct 2018Irrational Expectations (and 3 things you can do to guard against them)

Expectations are powerful things. They involuntarily override our logic and amplify our emotional response to events based on how those events…

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14 Jun 2018Ever Seen a Retired Ostrich?

Behavioral Finance: Exploring our Biases That which I would not, that do I do! Whether you are investing your assets or…

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