In: Newsletters

08 May 2018Spring Newsletter 2018

Stephanie Wolf
Latest posts by Stephanie Wolf (see all)

Read the latest updates and insights from Financial Plan advisers in our quarterly newsletter, The Plan. Spring 2018 Newsletter

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19 Apr 2018Market Volatility

Why is the stock market volatile? It’s a question that many of us have pondered at one time or another, especially…

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economic growth spring 2017

25 Apr 2017Spring 2017 – Is Economic Growth a Reliable Indicator of Future Equity Returns?

We recently learned that the US economy has grown at a 2.1% annual rate since the recovery began in 2009. This…

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Financial Planning Inc Online Sites

31 Jan 2017Online Sites at Financial Plan, Inc. – Winter 2017

After inquiring with our clients,  it seems that many are not particularly active in logging on to our various online sites. …

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07 Oct 2016Please Welcome The Newest Addition To Our Company: Justin Gross

The history of our firm and our clients has been one of success, and as a result, we have experienced a…

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basketball player

05 Aug 2016Trailing by One Point. No Time on the Clock. Two Free Throws. – Summer 2016

The market decline of early 2016 was not anywhere near the magnitude of a bear market such as we experienced in…

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financial times newspaper

03 Nov 2015Withdrawal Rates – Autumn 2015

In the latest edition of The Plan, Jamie mentioned the 4% rule of thumb for withdrawal rates. To delve a bit…

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savings rates

22 Jul 2015Savings Rates – Summer 2015

Many years ago when I was just beginning my budding career,  an older and wiser financial advisor told me that “the…

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20 May 2015Welcome Gabriel Twining – Spring 2015

In February, my youngest son Gabriel graduated from Saybrook University in Seattle with a Master’s Degree in Industrial Psychology with a…

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home bias financial planning blog usa

11 Jan 2015Home Bias – Winter 2015

If you’ve been with us long enough, you know that we value efficient diversification on a very large scale. True diversification decreases…

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05 Oct 2014Financial Plan is Moving – Autumn 2014

After 17 years in our downtown office, Financial Plan is moving to a new office location.  Beginning October 1st, 2014…

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business man talking

04 Jul 2014The Not So Simple Answer – Summer 2014

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

As a Financial Plan client, you often receive simple advice that is easy to follow. Your first impression might have been…

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the great crash 1

24 Apr 2014The Great Crash – Spring 2014

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

Harry S. Dent Jr – Best-selling author, founder of economics research firm HS Dent, predictor of the 1980 Japanese market bubble…

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high market

09 Feb 2014The Market Has Reached All Time Highs; Now What? – Spring 2013

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

For quite a few years now, faith in the markets has been sorely tested. After severe bear markets, confidence in the…

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paper investments

24 Jan 2014Are Shares of Stock and Stock Mutual funds “Paper” Investments? – Winter 2014

Most investors tend to have a high level of angst regarding their stock and stock mutual fund investments. When the investing…

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