In: Articles


30 Mar 2020Understanding the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

Late last week, the federal government passed an 883-page, $2.2T bill dubbed the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security)….

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24 Feb 2020The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Stock Market and Your Financial Portfolio

As the coronavirus continues its trek around the world, speculation about the virus’s impact on the global stock market has been…

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01 Nov 2019The Recession is Coming! The Recession is Coming!

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

How to Recession-Proof Your Stocks (and Financial Plan) No doubt you’ve been hearing it a lot lately: “A recession is coming!”…

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09 Sep 2019Stock Market Performance: A Case for Diversified Portfolios

If you have been paying attention, you know how much we believe in equity markets. Our clients who have a long…

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Elder Abuse Prevention

29 Aug 2019Circle the Wagons

Shoring up our financial defenses before we can’t remember where we put da fences I am a pretty laid-back person, but…

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08 Mar 2019Let the Dogs Bark

The term “expected return” is in wide use among financial planners. To the layman it carries misleading connotations: most assume that…

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05 Dec 2018How Long-Term Investment Strategies can Mitigate your Ticker Risk

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

What is ticker risk? Don’t bother searching the internet as this is simply a term we occasionally use to describe the…

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26 Nov 2018Why a second home merits a second thought

Picture this: you take a trip somewhere great and have an absolutely wonderful experience. You love everything about this place: the…

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01 Oct 2018Irrational Expectations (and 3 things you can do to guard against them)

Expectations are powerful things. They involuntarily override our logic and amplify our emotional response to events based on how those events…

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15 May 2018The Risk Illusion

As emotional beings, we are susceptible to illusions and phobias. Never mind that the snake under the bed turned out to…

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smoke stack

12 Jun 2015Socially Responsible Investments: The Good, The Bad, and The Green

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

These days, socially responsible investing, or SRI for short, is a popular practice among investors who consider themselves socially conscious, and…

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New York Stock Exchange

02 Jun 2015The Crucial Difference Between Investment Brokers And Fee-Only Advisors

The common perception among the investing public is that all of the professionals who help clients manage their money are “financial…

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05 May 20153 Simple Investment Principles To Keep You Out Of Wonderland

As a newcomer to financial planning, entering the world of investing without some basic principles to follow can feel a lot…

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tax planning 101

14 Apr 2015Tax Planning 101: How To Make The Most Of Your Tax Bracket

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

(Note: all screenshots in this post are from our 2015 Numbers Unlimited financial planning worksheet, which you can access here.) With…

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school room desk

11 Mar 2015Understanding IRA Transfer and Rollover Rules

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

If you have ever had any sort of retirement plan with your employer, you have probably at least heard the term…

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