In: Articles

12 Jun 2024The Alphabet Soup of Medicare: Medicare Parts Explained

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people: Who are 65 years or older. Have certain disabilities or end-stage renal…

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30 May 2024Our Two-Faced Dollar

The last time I checked, there is one face on our dollar bill: that of our great President George Washington. However,…

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16 May 2024Putting your business cash to work

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

We are about one year removed from the failure of three United States banks with combined assets of $548 billion and…

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17 Apr 2024Out of the Mouths of Babes

Devin Wolf, CFP® serves as our Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and leads our 401(k) branch. As a wealth manager Devin is responsible for delivering comprehensive financial solutions to high net worth clientele. His expertise in navigating complex situations has lead to working with business owners and clients with taxable estates.
W. Devin Wolf, CFP®
Latest posts by W. Devin Wolf, CFP® (see all)

A few weeks ago, I was invited to teach an introduction to personal finance class to a group of local 8th…

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27 Mar 2024Just When You Thought You Were Out of Debt

American households are drowning in consumer debt, with the Federal Reserve Bank reporting a new record of over $1.13 Trillion in…

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14 Dec 2023Year-End Charitable Giving Strategies

As the end of another year approaches, most altruist investors are considering their year-end charitable giving. When focusing on the goal…

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07 Nov 2023How Does a Government Shutdown Affect the Stock Market? Impact and Analysis

Another day, another crisis of leadership in our government. Fears of a looming government shutdown might have you wondering if it’s…

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19 Sep 2023Your Future Income Tax Brackets May Be Higher Than You Assume

Future assumed income tax brackets are a major consideration when making current decisions, such as the decision to convert a traditional…

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22 Mar 2023The SECURE ACT 2.0: Three Good features

On December 29th, 2022, the SECURE 2.0 ACT was signed into law. It includes a few provisions that are beneficial for…

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16 Nov 2022Recency Bias in Investing

Gabriel Twining
Latest posts by Gabriel Twining (see all)

As I watched footage of hurricane Ian wreaking havoc on the Florida coast, my four-year-old daughter asked what was going on….

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31 Oct 2022How to survive a zombie apocalypse

Gabriel Twining
Latest posts by Gabriel Twining (see all)

For over a decade, a dramatic television series called “The Walking Dead” has aired on AMC. The show follows an eclectic…

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28 Jul 2022How Inflation Affects Asset Values

In 1980, the inflation rate peaked at 13.5%; higher than it had been in 60 years. The miserable economic conditions of…

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08 Jun 2022Generational Wealth Transfer Strategies to Minimize Taxes and Fees

Four Simple Gifting Strategies How do you transfer your wealth and property to the next generation before you pass on? While…

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25 Feb 2022Now is the time for a Steady Hand

Like many of you, this week I watched in horror and shock as Russia invaded Ukraine. Years of rhetoric and posturing…

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12 Feb 2022Updated: What to Know and How to Plan for Washington State’s “LTSS” Trust Act

Article updated on February 7, 2022 On January 27th, Washington State Governor, Jay Inslee, announced a delay in the implementation of…

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