By: David Dick

24 Feb 2020The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Stock Market and Your Financial Portfolio

As the coronavirus continues its trek around the world, speculation about the virus’s impact on the global stock market has been…

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Elder Abuse Prevention

29 Aug 2019Circle the Wagons

Shoring up our financial defenses before we can’t remember where we put da fences I am a pretty laid-back person, but…

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26 Nov 2018Why a second home merits a second thought

Picture this: you take a trip somewhere great and have an absolutely wonderful experience. You love everything about this place: the…

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14 Jun 2018Ever Seen a Retired Ostrich?

Behavioral Finance: Exploring our Biases That which I would not, that do I do! Whether you are investing your assets or…

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hiking down a trail

05 Jan 20182018 Financial [Dissolutions] Resolutions

Here we are again: That time of year we ramp up to make some real changes in our life. Fresh start,…

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